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Cloud Asset Governance Architecture

Let's take a simple look at how the Cloud Asset Governance feature works. This feature helps keep things organized in the cloud.

How It Works:

  • Worker Microservice:

  - This is like the main worker. It does the main job of making sure rules are followed.

  - It uses a tool called Cloud Custodian to do different tasks in the cloud.

  • Logging and Storage:

  - Logs from doing things like enforcing rules are kept safe in a place called Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

  - Important data that helps us understand what's happening is stored in BigQuery.

  • Job Queue:

  - Tasks to do are put in a line to keep things organized.

  - The worker microservice takes tasks from this line and does them.

Other Important Services:

  • CCM Manager:

  - Helps organize and manage different parts of the Cloud Asset Governance feature.

  • Scheduler Service:

  - Makes sure tasks are done on time according to a schedule. This helps keep things running smoothly.

  • MongoDB:

  - Keeps track of important information about rules and what happened when they were enforced.

How It All Works Together:

  • Getting Tasks:

  - Tasks related to following rules are put in the line to be done.

  • Doing Tasks:

  - The worker microservice, with the help of Cloud Custodian, does tasks from the line.

  • Following Rules:

  - Cloud Custodian makes sure rules are followed in the cloud.

  • Keeping Track:

  - Logs from doing tasks are kept safe in GCS.

  - Important data about what happened is stored in BigQuery for later checking.

  • Managing Information:

  - MongoDB keeps track of important information about rules and what happened when they were enforced.

  • Watching Everything:

  - The CCM Manager makes sure everything works well together.

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