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New Relic Canary Integration

First you will need a Query Key and your account number.Follow

For your Account number you can fetch it from the url when you log into New Relic Insights

You first need to configure a New Relic account for Spinnaker Canary to do so in halyard run: hal config canary newrelic account add newrelic2 --api-key **** --application-key **** --base-url **** This will create a block in Halyard like:

enabled: true
- name: newrelic
enabled: true
- name: newrelic
applicationKey: ''

You will need your applications to report metrics to New Relic as an example I used their K8s setup. we need to create our Canary-config.

Go to Delivery(1) -> CANARY CONFIGS(2) -> Add configuration (3)Add a name to your configuration (4), this is visible on the UI, select newrelic as your Metric Store (5) and click on Add Metric (6) Then include your NewRelic SQL query, in this example we are quering our application in the K8sPodSample for traffic. SELECT average (net.rxBytesPerSecond) FROM K8sPodSample

Click Ok and scroll down, you need to make all the metrics add up to 100, this is how much weight each metric has for the final score. In this example since we just have 1 metric, we make this be 100.Now we need to create a pipeline to run the canary analysis. Go to pipelines and create a new one. Create a stage of type Canary Analysis and select the Canary-Config we just createdAnd configure it The important part in here are the Baseline + Canary Pair and the Metric Scope Section, the query send to New Relic is going to be a combination of this sections. In the form of _location_key = Baseline/Canary Location and _scope_key = Baseline/Canary.In this example we use the namespace and to identify our application, so our query will be where namespace=baseline and, the important part is that you must not set a Where clause in here.

"applications": [
"classifier": {
"groupWeights": {
"Group 1": 100
"configVersion": "1",
"createdTimestamp": 1596036523471,
"createdTimestampIso": "2020-07-29T15:28:43.471Z",
"description": "",
"judge": {
"judgeConfigurations": {},
"name": "NetflixACAJudge-v1.0"
"metrics": [
"analysisConfigurations": {},
"groups": [
"Group 1"
"name": "new-relic",
"query": {
"select": "SELECT average(net.rxBytesPerSecond) FROM K8sPodSample",
"serviceType": "newrelic",
"type": "newrelic"
"scopeName": "default"
"name": "new-relic",
"templates": {},
"updatedTimestamp": 1596126728263,
"updatedTimestampIso": "2020-07-30T16:32:08.263Z"


"analysisType": "retrospective",
"canaryConfig": {
"canaryConfigId": "bce9ee06-af79-45d8-9861-a5b57eb99f11",
"metricsAccountName": "newrelic2",
"scopes": [
"controlLocation": "baseline",
"controlScope": "guestbook",
"endTimeIso": "2020-07-30T20:57:29Z",
"experimentLocation": "canary",
"experimentScope": "guestbook",
"extendedScopeParams": {
"_location_key": "namespace",
"_scope_key": ""
"scopeName": "default",
"startTimeIso": "2020-07-30T17:54:29Z"
"scoreThresholds": {
"marginal": "1",
"pass": "20"
"storageAccountName": "ACCOUNT"
"name": "Canary Analysis",
"type": "kayentaCanary"

That will create 2 queries as:****/query?****/query?

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