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ServiceNow - Sales Engineers - Opening and Managing Support Cases

For further information about Sales Engineers opening Support Cases, please check out the slab doc

Opening Cases on Behalf of Customers

Sales Engs can easily open cases on behalf of customers and have them assigned to themselves. Support is here to help with educating and helping Sales Engs, but should not manage the interactions with the customers. While it is technically possible to add a customer's email to the watchlist of a case so that they get updated, please do not do this when requesting assistance from Support. As advised, Support is supporting the Sales Eng, and adding a customer to the watchlist will mean customers will get access to ask Support questions directly. This is one method to open a case, and is probably the easiest for Sales Engs.

Viewing Cases / Updating Cases

The following allows you to see all the cases that you have opened on behalf of customers, and the ones your colleagues have opened.  Please note that if you would like to view the cases of customers after they have become Armory customers, use the TAM/CSM Dashboard

  • Log in to the portal at  * In the Navigation Bar, select Cases -> All Cases* From this screen, there are options to view open and closed cases created by yourself on behalf of customers, and access to view the overall account's open and closed cases (the cases opened by your colleagues in the Sales Engineers Team)* Click on the case that needs to be reviewedOnce in the case, there are options available to update the case
  • Contact: The main contact can be updated here to any registered user on the same account.  Note that users that have deactivated logins can also be chosen, so users should be careful when making a selection* Watch list: Allows the addition of more users to view a case.  Note that external users to the account can also be set in the watch list so that they can observe the case* Activity: Update the information about the case.  A WYSIWYG option is available when posting.  Attachments can also be added. Once ready, click **Post *to commit the information to the activity feed Once changes are completed, click on Save in the bottom right to update the case
  • You can either reply back to the case within the portal, or by replying to the emails sent to you  

Closing Cases

  • Log in to the portal at  * In the Navigation Bar, select Cases -> All Cases* From this screen, there are options to view open and closed cases created by the user, and if the privilege is provided, access to view the overall account's open and closed cases.  * Click on the case that needs to be closed* In the bottom left corner, there is button to **Close Case.  *Click on this button to resolve and close a case without input from support Please note that cases, once closed, cannot be opened again and will be in a read only state.  To open up a case about the issue again, please open a new case and provide any update information that can assist our team with a new resolution.   
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